Junior High Ministry
Our weekly junior high ministry (6th-8th grade), which meets on Sundays at 9:30am and 11:00am in “The Cantina”, allows students to make faith applicable to their own lives. We also offer Wednesday nights services from 6:30 – 8:30pm in the foyer in the main building.
High School Ministry
Wednesday nights are for high schoolers! Students have a weekly opportunity to break away from distractions to focus on their relationship with the Lord in a culturally tense time. They meet at 6:30 – 8:30pm Wednesdays in the Cantina. High schoolers are encouraged to attend one of our services or volunteer in the main sanctuary on Sunday mornings.
Want to volunteer with these awesome students? There are many different areas, positions, times you can get involved in. Below you will be able to email the team about where you would best fit.
Meet the Team!
Clay Burkholder
High School Pastor
Clay is our High School Pastor. Clay is new to our church and started serving with HSM over the summer. He speaks weekly on Wednesdays and plans the year out to effectively minister to your students. He has been married to his wife Whitney for 2 years. He loves the Lord and loves to see the students dive deeper in the word. His favorite verse is: Romans 12:1-2.
Jacob Luna
Junior High Pastor
Jacob is our Junior High Pastor. Jacob has been a faithful servent with our JHM for 7 years. He speaks weekly Sundays and Wednesdays and plans the year out to effectively minister to your students. He is married to his wife Alicia for 2 years and has a beautiful baby girl, Ember. He loves the Lord and loves to see the students dive deeper in the word. His favorite verse is: Ephesians 4:31-32.