Summer Camp is Coming Soon for Your 2nd-12th Grader!!
River City Youth Ministry
At River City, we’re focused on giving students a solid anchor in Christ to enable them to make choices in their changing world that reflect a passionate relationship with Jesus. We love students and want to give them a community to connect to and a passion for serving the world around them.
Weekly Student Ministries

Junior High Ministry
Our weekly junior high ministry (6th-8th grade), meets both Sundays & Wednesdays and allows students to make faith applicable to their own lives and engage in a faith driven community designed just for them.
SUNDAYS: "The Cantina" | 9:30am & 11:00am
WEDNESDAYS: Main Auditorium | 6:30pm - 8:30pm
WHAT TO EXPECT: Worship, relevant messages, small group discussions, games, & community. Small groups are formed by grade and gender and led by an adult leader

High School Ministry
Students (9th-12th grade) have a weekly opportunity to break away from distractions to focus on their relationship with the Lord in a culturally tense time. As a groups driven ministry, our goal is that each group discussion is relevant to their life and their faith journey and students can build relationships that last.
WHEN: Wednesdays from 6:30pm – 8:30pm
WHERE: "The Cantina"
WHAT TO EXPECT: An exciting night of worship, life-changing messages, and group discussions—not to mention fun! Small groups are formed by grade and gender and led by an adult leader.
High schoolers are encouraged to attend one of our services and/or volunteer with a ministry team on Sunday mornings.
AWANA (Wednesday Nights, 3yrs – 5th Grade)
AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) is a dynamic discipleship club for kids 3yrs-5th grade. This program focuses on Bible verse memorization. They get awards for memorization, engage in a large group game time, and have small group lessons to encourage their relationship with Jesus. This program helps provide a solid base to continue to build their faith and love of Scripture memorization.
Our club meets each Wednesday during the school year from 6:30pm-8:15pm.
Special Needs Buddy Program (2yrs – 5th Grade)
Coordinated by a Special Needs certified teacher who advises our caring adult volunteers, our Buddy Ministry is designed to support special needs children as they enjoy a developmentally appropriate class with their peers so their parents can attend weekend services.
Our goal is to provide one buddy for each child.
If your special needs child will be joining us, there is a short form that can be filled out at your first service to begin regular attendance. This will allow our Special Needs Coordinator a chance to set up a time to gladly meet with you to discuss your child’s specific needs.
Baby Dedication
Parents, this is a public commitment you make before God, your church, and your family. The dedication service provides you, the parents(s), the opportunity to ask God to guide you in raising your child.
Foster & Adoption Families Support Group
Meeting quarterly, this informal support group serves adoptive families and those considering fostering or adopting. Together we help each other with resources, training, connections, and have fun doing so!
If you have any questions about any of our kids ministries, or are interested in serving, please reach out!
Meet the Team!
Clay Burkholder
High School Pastor
Clay is our High School Pastor. Clay is new to our church and started serving with HSM over the summer. He speaks weekly on Wednesdays and plans the year out to effectively minister to your students. He has been married to his wife Whitney for 2 years. He loves the Lord and loves to see the students dive deeper in the word. His favorite verse is: Romans 12:1-2.
Jacob Luna
Junior High Pastor
Jacob is our Junior High Pastor. Jacob has been a faithful servent with our JHM for 7 years. He speaks weekly Sundays and Wednesdays and plans the year out to effectively minister to your students. He is married to his wife Alicia for 2 years and has a beautiful baby girl, Ember. He loves the Lord and loves to see the students dive deeper in the word. His favorite verse is: Ephesians 4:31-32.