Married Couples

Designed and crafted by God, marriage isn’t always easy, but the Bible has specific instructions to help your marriage succeed. River City offers various resources to help you start, strengthen, or restore your marriage.

Resources for marriage include:


This ministry offers hope to marriages by helping couples move towards oneness through Biblical teaching, personal restoration stories, and small group engagement. Join the scores of couples who have learned that Re|Engage is a safe place to reconnect, reignite or resurrect your marriage. Next session: August 25 (Orientation); September 8 – December 8, 2024.

Premarital Counseling

Premarital Counseling- Congratulations on your engagement! We believe that preparation is key to a great marriage. Our program is designed to prepare couples for strong marriages based on Biblical principles. If you and your fiancé choose premarital counseling a trained mentor couple will be assigned to you to walk with you through the 6-7 two-hour sessions during a 3-4 month period. Marriage preparation is required to be married by one of our pastors. Premarital counseling is available to River City members and regular attenders

Marriage Mentoring

Some marriages need help and direction to heal and move forward. While working with a mentor couple you will examine problem areas and learn how to communicate, forgive past hurts, deal with underlying heart issues, and commit to Biblical change. Marriage Mentoring is available to River City members and regular attenders.