At River City our mission is to see more people, living real life, by passionately following Jesus. We believe that on the journey to real life there are 5 major decisions that YOU as the traveler must continually make. We call it YOUR MOVE and here’s what that actually looks like…
FOLLOW Jesus and engage in His church through worship, the word, prayer, and baptism.
CONNECT and walk in community with other believers as we strive together to be more like Jesus.
GROW towards Christ-Likeness through focused areas of study and Christian accountability and support.
SERVE the church, our community and the world through River City Serves Local & Global.
SHARE through evangelism the good news of the gospel with those that God has placed around you.
Everything we do at River City falls under one of these 5 decisions and we want you to start experiencing the “real life” Jesus has called you into.
We’ve put all our Your Move action steps into one exciting week. Whether deciding to follow, connect, grow, serve, or share, this is a weekend/week you cannot afford to miss. Check back to see dates, available action steps, and register for the next Your Move Week.
Need Help?
If you are not sure what your next step is, we can help.