Our kids are growing up in a unique time. Never in history have children been exposed to more content on digital screens. At the same time, what is becoming rarer are genuine relationships and relationship skills. We believe teaching our students to live in community with other students is an essential step in their spiritual maturity. That is why we’ve made the commitment that every student who attends our church will be connected to a small group led by an adult leader.

How does your student benefit from a weekly small group?

  • They learn to ask honest faith questions.
  • They learn they are not alone.
  • They learn from an adult role model other than their parents.
  • They learn to love other students.

Here are things you can do to make sure your student gets the most from their small group experience.

  1. Be consistent. Develop a habit of attending weekly. Consistent attendance helps your student build relationships. The structure of weekly check-ins is helpful to developing life-long habits.
  2. Be involved. Ask your student what they are learning in the large group. Ask what they are discussing in the small group. Learn the name of their group leader and other group members.
  3. Be a Model. Do you, as the parent, make group involvement a priority? If your kids see you participating in a group they will internalize this value and live it out on their own.

Would you like to learn more about being a group leader for students? Go to https://reallife.org/get-involved/volunteer/